In the Rivne region marathon of festive promotions from RCPT NHS continues

the Pupils of Special preschool children's homes, on the street V. Oles Smoothly, cordially greeted the representatives of the Rivne center of vocational education state employment service educator Irina Garnaga, psychologist Tamara Sazhinu and the head of the group of waiters Oksana Muzychko. After all, those came with a magic packet... During the month in the training Department and the dormitory RCPT SPSS, vul. I. Horseshoes, 17A, the action took place of sincerity and kindness to "give children joy". Listeners of educational institutions, masters of inservice training, teacher, psychologist, workers hostels have joined the campaign, sharing their things and products. Festive "bag" for children-orphans generously filled with fun toys, books, albums, coloring books, children's clothes, colorful backpacks, colored pencils, markers, fresh fruit... Joyful and happy children's eyes - the best reward to all the kind people who took care of a children's holiday. Irina Garnag expressed gratitude for the activity teacher Julia Hanzyuk, duty at hostel Olga, Panchuk, master of industrial training Inna meadow and the students of the groups "Administrator" and "Agent of tourism", Anna Zotique and listeners of "Hairdresser (hairdresser - designer)", Natalya Thousand and listeners of "Chef", Anatoliy Solodko and listeners groups "Bartender" and "Waiter", Lily Miller and the listeners of the group "Manikarnika", Svetlana, the fisherman, and the listeners of "Pastry." Doing good is a snap if you have a big heart, sincere intentions and selfless love. Marathon of festive promotions from RCPTA the NHS continues. This was reported in the Rivne city employment center

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