Sanitary-epidemiological situation regarding flu and acute respiratory viral infections in Chernihiv controlled by
January 13, the Chernihiv city Council held a regular meeting of urban operational headquarters for coordination of actions to prevent the spread of influenza and ARVI in the city of Chernihiv. In the beginning of the meeting, epidemiologist Tatiana Avramenko reported on the sanitary-epidemiological situation of influenza and SARS in the city. According to her, in Chernigov in the second week of the year (06.01.2017 for 12.01.2017) in the city fell ill with influenza and SARS - 1854 inhabitants, of whom 797 children (42,9%), intense score is 639,64 per 100 thousand population, below the epidemic threshold by 42.09%. The incidence of influenza and SARS among the population of the city in comparison with previous week decreased by 33.7% due to the reduction, primarily by 39.8% of diseases among children, while the number of cases among adults has decreased by 28.1%. Hospitalized for a week 52 people (2.8% of cases), from them 40 children (77% of hospitalized) including 18 - children up to 2 years. At the offices of the city located 58 patients with influenza and SARS, including 48 children (82,7%). Since the beginning of the epidemic season sick with the flu and ori 34 771 people is 12.1% of the population of the city, including the flu had 304 people. During this period 21 428 ill children up to 17 years, 48.5 per cent of the child population), of which 219 had been ill with the flu. In the reporting week prevails, the proportion of children aged 0 to 4 years (462 children) and is 24.9% of the total number of cases for the week. Since the beginning of the epidemic season carrying out virological tests 13 samples of materials from patients with suspected influenza and acute respiratory infections, defined by the RNA of influenza virus type A (H3N2) - seasonal from 9 patients including the 1st and pregnant of the child. Epidemiologist Tatiana Avramenko noted that, according to official reports from medical institutions in the city, unfortunately, in Chernigov was the death of a resident from bilateral not of hospital viral-bacterial pneumonia. When smear from nose and pharynx of the patient were found fragments of RNA of influenza virus A (H3N2). The head of the Department of health of the city Council Vladislav Kuhar said that this man a week, he stayed at home, this time for medical help was not sought, and a hospital enrolled in the heavyweight status. Vladislav Chef again reminded that it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner in the first days of the disease. He also added that the situation in the hospitals monitored, the doctors doing work in normal mode, need re-profiling of hospitals no. The head of Department of education of the city Council Vasily Blogora noted that in kindergartens is monitored daily for the lack of children. As of 12 January in the preschool educational institutions of the city for different reasons do not exist for 47.9% of the pupils. Most missing children for kindergarten ¹2 – 57,3%, ¹7 – 59,5%, ¹ 10 – 59,1%, ¹ 15 – 58,1%, ¹30 – 60,8%, ¹ 56 – 61,3%. According to the Department of health of the city Council for health reasons in kindergartens do not exist 6.6% of the total number of children. Most missing in DOU ¹ 7 – 23,1%, ¹ 30 – 20,4%, ¹ 65 – 21,4%, ¹ 77 – 19,1%. Head of Chernihiv city Department of se "Chernihiv WLC MOH of Ukraine" Ivan Makarenko stressed that introduced restrictive anti-epidemic measures, even though the incidence is declining, it is still to be carried out, as according to the latest projections it is expected the second wave of disease. Therefore, employees of educational institutions, institutions of trade, restaurant business, transport and other public institutions should continue to adhere to the mask mode to maintain the hygienic control in facilities and in public transport. Summing up the meeting, Deputy mayor Olga Hanc noted that anti-epidemic measures are effective, they have to comply, especially in areas with large concentrations of citizens. Because next week the educational process in the schools of the city is recovered and it is expected the second wave of morbidity, Olga Honch requested the Department of education of the city Council to constantly monitor the situation in schools, to prevent the increase of morbidity among children. The order of the mayor "About introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of flu and acute respiratory infections" The press service of the Chernihiv city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":