Lutsk: "Sports winter" in the middle of

In the framework of Ukrainian action "winter Sports" public institution "Lutsk city center physical health "Sport for all" of Lutsk city Council" continued the cycle of sports events for children and young people. As previously reported on our website since the beginning of January, the center "Sport for all" started training ice rinks, both natural and artificial, where they have the opportunity to spend leisure time citizens and guests of our city. Currently has six: two in natural waters (in Park 900th anniversary of Lutsk on the floodplain of the river Samalayuca in the district of vul. Veterans, 3, and pond in the center vul. Progress, 10) and four artificial (vul. Nalivaiko, 8, b - R Druzhby Narodov, 11, vul. Landside, 4, Teatralnaya square). This winter is generous with snow, so necessary after each snowfall to re-clear the ice surface venues for the winter fun and play hockey. In neighborhoods where natural water bodies are above the rink, the centre's staff Nina Lysenko and Vladimir Nowak repeatedly organize children activists and together they perform a noble cause. After a brief thaw on the sports grounds of the city, where was dispensed artificial ice rinks, the ice has melted. 26 January joint efforts of employees of public institution "Sports for all" housing and utilities ¹ 2, 3, SWC, CP "Lutskvodokanal", management concerning emergency situations and civil protection of the population of Lutsk city Department of the State service of Ukraine of emergencies in Volyn region re-flooded ice rink. All of these rollers, in the courts, on playgrounds, in parks and gardens in different neighborhoods of the city center staff organize and conduct with students hockey tournaments, friendly matches on mini-football in the snow, sledding down the hills, playing snowballs, sculpting snowmen. To winter activities kids partake and adults, receiving positive emotions and excitement. To warm up after a fun day of leisure on the air morosanu children and youth love to spend time playing chess, checkers, table hockey and table tennis in indoor hall "Lutsk MFZN "Sport for all". Therefore, when the outside cold and is hosting a winter, we invite everyone to use the equipped with rollers. Come to spare time to actively spend leisure time outdoors. KZ “Lutsk city center physical health “Sport for all” - 724 611 This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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