The table hockey tournament in Lutsk

16 February 2017 in "White rook" (vul. Builders, 11) municipal establishment "Lutsk city center physical health "Sport for all" of Lutsk city Council" was organized and held a table hockey tournament among the teams of children at the place of residence. The competition was attended by 36 boys and girls born in 2003 and younger. Throughout the competition the participants with great zeal tried to show himself the most skilful of table hockey fights. When visiting the premises of the city center "Sport for all" in different districts of the city, they were preparing. The competitions were held on circular system. Table hockey the game is very dynamic. Within 5 minutes of playing time, the situation is changing with lightning speed. Therefore, this game requires high concentration, precise coordination and perseverance. At the end of almost three hours of hard struggle the most skilled jokester steel girls from the team "Arrow" (a leading professional Galina Tymoshchuk) - Diana Andreychuk, Sofia Kovalchuk, Maria NumLock. Second place was won by the girls team "Luchesk" (lead professional Natalia Dinh) - Alina Palaska, Anastasia Palaska, Daria Sakhnyuk. On the third step of the podium was the girls team's "Odyssey" (a leading professional Oleg Hlopchiki) - Daria Gharibyan, Sofia Romaniuk and angelina Stadnicka. Among boys the places were distributed in the following order: first place the team of "White ball" (lead professional Yuri Ostromecki) - Andrey Kalych, Stas Litvin, Ilya Litvin; II place team "Luchesk" (lead professional Natalia Dinh) - Maxim Podanchuk, Nikolai Stelmakh, Michael Rudyuk; III place in the team of "Arrow" (a leading professional Galina Tymoshchuk) - Stepan Bodnarchuk, Alexander Prysyazhnyuk, Mykola Use? Winners and prize-winners of competitions were awarded with diplomas and prizes. All participants received sweet gifts from KZ "Lutsk MFZN "Sport for all". KZ “Lutsk city center physical health “Sport for all” - 724 611 This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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