In the Ternopol Sergey Nadal took part in the Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the blessed virgin Mary

In the main Church of Greek Catholics of Ternopil - the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the blessed virgin Mary held a hierarchical divine Liturgy on the occasion of the visit of the miraculous icon of the Holy Mandylion from Edessa. The head of Ternopol Sergey Nadal says that these days in Ternopil is a special icon of the Saviour depicted in a miraculous way. The strongest symbol that God is always with the person who searches for it. “since 1870 the relic only a few times given to Worship in the temple, and the appearance of the Shrine in Ukraine, in Ternopil-is a symbolic act of support to the Holy see Ukraine in this difficult time and an important sign of hope, says the mayor. - So pray for those affected and left without home, for the wounded and prisoners of war, those who die from hunger and cold because they are not given the affection that you now have in this temple. Pray for our country and our people, for our future. Even in Ternopil and Ukraine will come peace, harmony and shall descend the Grace of God!”. This was reported in the Ternopil city Council

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