Small and medium business in Chernigov: new registered legal entities in four times more than the discontinued
the backbone of the economy of Chernihiv is a small and medium business, which employs 55 thousand inhabitants of our city. This is stated in the report on the implementation of the Programme for economic and social development of the city for 2016, which the Executive Committee of the Chernihiv city Council approved at its meeting on 15 February. According to this report, are details of the state tax inspection in Chernihiv in the past year, the number of registered legal entities in 4 times exceeded the number cancelled. And the overall result of these processes – plus 633 such enterprises-legal entities in the city per year. Simultaneously, the total number of registered in Chernihiv PAYROLL for the year decreased by 989. Although, in particular, in the II and III quarters of 2016, the dynamics was opposite: it was, on 386 anymore. One reason for this was the work of the Executive Committee of the city Council, together with financial inspection and Gastrula, on the legalization of employment in the city. However, the negative expectations of entrepreneurs regarding the minimum wage, tax changes brought in the fourth quarter to minus balance in respect of registered and terminated. As you know, the active process of termination of activities of individual entrepreneurs took place throughout Ukraine in December last year and January. According to the tax for that time in Chernihiv 2.4 thousand PHOTONS stopped the activity, however, only 13% (302 FOT) of them were received in 2016, the revenue, the rest is working. That is to say, that was a statement of fact. At the same time, 465 physical persons-entrepreneurs in Chernigov in this period have registered their activities. To support the business environment in 2016, the city Council introduced the exemption for the payment of land tax for industrial enterprises. Also in Chernihiv adopted a program to support small and medium enterprises, to coordinate the implementation of which formed an Advisory Committee. Reference: The press service of the Chernihiv city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":