In the Ternopil region the aim of the government to transform economic growth into improvement
As the government has a social contract 6.7 million families - are provided with targeted subsidies for reimbursement for housing and communal services 335,7 thousand low - income families receive in 2016 the state social assistance More than 212 thousand injured at work have received increased payments due to the recovery of the annual recalculation of insurance payments to victims in the workplace. Monthly insurance payment average will increase by 296 hryvnias 150% of the minimum salary - set fee to persons working in the exclusion zone, that is, 2067 hryvnia in terms of 2016 3.5 million Ukrainians have already received the increased minimum wage in January 2017 Growth was due to government steps to improve business climate Last year began to reform the tax system: government-initiated legislative changes have significantly simplified the administration of taxes for bona fide companies and increased control over those who are evading taxation. The government launched reforms on deregulation: 76 already eliminated the administrative barriers for business, including the cancelled state registration of foreign investments. Introduced a systematic revision of regulatory acts on more than 70 markets. The first steps to reform the customs, making targets revenues from customs at the end of 2016 was exceeded by 18.3 billion UAH. Intensified efforts to promote the entry of Ukrainian goods into new markets. The government has made real steps in the fight against corruption: the introduction of electronic Declaration of assets of politicians. Translation of public procurement proZorro would save about 8.3 billion UAH. budget. The government began a major overhaul of the country Modernization of infrastructure has become one of the priorities of the government. In the framework of the implementation of a major programme of renewal and repair of Ukrainian roads in 2016 has been repaired 4 times more road coverage than in 2015 (949,7 km), eliminated 1.5 times greater Yam (9,115 million sq m). The government has laid the basis for sustainable financing of road sector – adopted by the Parliament the government bill next year will earn the Road Fund. The first steps for the modernization of Ukrainian Railways. In particular, in 2016, purchased 1020 freight cars (in 2015 - 26 cars), renovated more than 30 thousand freight cars, provided the overhaul of the 62 locomotives (twice 2015), upgraded 213,6 km (4.5 times more than in 2015). As a result, "ME" received a profit of UAH 303 million (in 2015 – a loss in the amount of UAH 683 million) and paid to the budget of 15 billion UAH of taxes and fees. Initiated a revival of network of local airports. The government builds volatile power Throughout 2016 Ukraine did not buy Russian gas. The next task for the government is the extension of gas supplies from Slovakia. By establishing a unified gas prices put an end to the massive corruption in the gas sector. for the first time in the last 5 years "Naftogaz of Ukraine" has received net profit in the amount of more than 21 billion USD and has not received budgetary financing. The government restored and ensured the stability of the energy system, including the system of "Energoatom". all nuclear power works normally. The government plans to increase electricity export (now the export potential in the EU is used only by 60%), to reform the coal mining industry and to ensure that by 2020, the annual production of 19.6 million tonnes of coal (in 2016 produced 5.8 MT) The government encourages and supports energy conservation measures: the program "Warm loans" are covered by 118,5 thousand households. The government is investing in the health of people Last year the government took the first steps in reforming the health care system. The government is moving from funding of beds to the financing of quality health services and makes available medicines. In particular, a simplified registration of medicines, first identified 13 million hryvnia for the purchase of drugs for substitution maintenance therapy. For the first time in recent years with all the vaccines for routine vaccination of children. In addition, the introduction of reference prices for medicines and enter the reimbursement (compensation) of medicinal products for the treatment of individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type II, bronchial asthma. The government takes care of the youngest citizens The government approved the Concept of implementation of state policy in the sphere of reforming of the General secondary education “New Ukrainian school” for the period up to 2029. Simplified conditions for opening and maintenance of preschool educational institutions (introduced new Sanitary regulations) and additionally created 26 538 thousand places in preschool educational institutions. The number of children with special needs covered by inclusive education, increased by 53.6%, the number of special classes – 7.7%. The reform of vocational education: a pilot project to create 25 training centres sectoral focus, approved 72 state standards of vocational education for specific occupations. This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administration.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":