Sergey Savchuk: energy efficiency measures will cost significantly cheaper thanks to Government and local programs reduce the cost of soft loans (photo)
Government program "warm" loans srbinovo the myth that energy efficiency is expensive, the payback for which it is necessary to wait for years. The mechanism of co-financing of energy efficiency measures from the state, regional or local budgets - allows the public quickly to hold energy modernization of housing with a minimum private investment and output to reduced utility bills. "All condominiums and housing cooperatives that seek to upgrade their homes, install ETC, to replace the Windows in the hallways and so forth, the Government provides non-repayable financial assistance for energy efficiency measures. From the state budget is reimbursement from 40% to 70% of the amount of "warm" loan, from local budgets – even part of the interest or loan amount, - said the Chairman of the Saee Serhiy Savchuk. - What co-financing from different sources profitable, had 660 condominiums. They have used the program soft loans and attracted more than 80 million UAH for housing insulation". Compelling and motivating stories of warming these condominiums. For example, a condominium "ALMA CENTER" in the city of Kharkiv, first drew 360 thousand UAH. on warming the house, of which 46%, namely 168 thousand UAH. returned to the state. The second time condominiums have benefited from the program by installing ITP on 104 thousand UAH. Of them from the state budget reimbursed 44.6 thousand UAH. from the regional – 20 thousand hryvnia. That is, the installation of ITP cost condominiums at 39.4 thousand hryvnias – in 2,6 times cheaper. And most importantly – the cost of heating per 1m2 in the house has decreased in 3,6 times: with 32 UAH/m2 to 9 UAH/m2. More condominiums "Strij, 87" that in Lviv replaced Windows, attracting 237 thousand UAH. Of these, the Government compensated 110 thousand UAH., and the city – 71.1 thousand hryvnia. In fact, the installation of energy efficient Windows has become more than 4 times cheaper than planned. In addition, the replacement of Windows heat consumption decreased by 16%. Triple financial assistance received condominiums "Zlagoda" in the city of Kharkov. Attracting 231 thousand UAH. installation of ITP, the state returned 92 thousand UAH. oblast – 46 ths. city – 47 thousand. The cost of condominiums was only 46 thousand UAH. In fact, condominiums were purchased and so FORTH for 20% of its market value. In addition, ITP has been controlling the flow and consumption of such expensive to heat. Simple arithmetic is impressive and leaves no room for doubt. Thanks to Government and local programs reduce the "warm" loans can be beneficial to implement energy efficiency measures at half and less their market value. Thus, the main result will be not only saved on material resources, but also reduced energy consumption and, consequently, lower utility bills. See if it works in Your area, district, city and local programs reduce the cost of soft loans, with the help of Interactive maps on the website of Saee: This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":