“Lutsk combine school and student power” received the “Golden symbol of the quality of national goods and services of Ukraine”

address of Lutsk city Council received a letter from the Vice-President of the international organization “Assembly of business circles” Victor Voznyuk. It is reported that by results of economic activities and social activism of 2016, the decision of the Presidium of the Assembly of business circles and Scientific-expert Council of the Program “Leaders of XXI century” for providing high quality competitive services on the organization of school feeding and supply of quality ready meals KP “Lutsk combine school and student power” was awarded “Golden symbol of the quality of national goods and services of Ukraine” with handing over exclusive gold diploma, e-logo symbol in the Ukrainian and English languages and Certificate for the right to use. The head of the Lutsk mill school and student nutrition Svetlana Schmid was awarded the Honorary title “Best Manager of the year” with the award of appropriate sign with your name on the certificate. Golden symbol of quality is awarded to companies and companies under international rules, “Corporate social responsibility”, under which the company assumes responsibility for the quality of the products, its impact on consumers and the environment. The official awards ceremony took place on 28 February 2017 at the State residence — small Mariinsky Palace during an Official reception in honor of leaders in Economics, business, science, culture and sports of Ukraine. Assembly of business circles of the public Association, one of the areas of activity is the awarding of the best workers in the business, science, culture and sport at the highest level. Congratulations Svetlana Schmid and her team received the award. Keep it up! This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/