In Zhytomyr region the quality of education in rural areas needs to change immediately,- Gennady Zubko
Everyone should clearly understand, what is the status of education in rural areas from the point of view of filling the schools. 31% of primary schools in rural areas have a filling of 10 students, 27% of grades 1-9 schools 2 have less than 40 children in the school as a whole. Of course, these figures negatively affect the quality of education, number of teachers and their professionalism. This was stated during a conversation with journalists the Vice Prime Minister – Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine Gennady Zubko. "We have to change it, and change immediately. We cannot return the children to re-ten years, when they will be able to receive a quality education. It is the decentralization reform in the education sector is extremely important. We need to create supporting schools and downtowni to them elementary grades, to create the necessary road infrastructure to ensure the transportation of children, to run school buses and to efficiently teach children. This is a clear plan for the near future", - said Gennady Zubko. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":