Agrarians of Vinnitsa actively began the complex of spring field work for the harvest of 2017

Vinnytsia region agrarians the complex of spring field work for harvest in 2017. As 03.04.2017 year in all categories of farms closed moisture on the area 696,6 thousand hectares, prepared the soil for sowing of spring crops on the area – 240,0 thousand hectares. Sown early grain and leguminous crops on an area of 68.6 hectares (56.2 per cent of the forecast), including spring wheat – 7,1 thousand hectares (55,0 %), spring barley - 41.4 thousand ha (48,2 %), oats - 904 hectares (50,3 %), peas - 19,2 thousand hectares (90.7 per cent). Farms Orlovskogo and Tomashpil districts of predictive indicators of sowing of early grain and leguminous crops. Also, farms Orlovskogo, chechelnitskaya and Yampil districts have started sowing maize for grain, seed sown on an area of 1.4 thousand hectares (0.4% of the forecast). Sugar beet sown on an area of 10.6 thousand hectares (19.3 per cent), sunflower – 9.8 thousand hectares (4,9%) and in Khmelnytsky region started planting soybeans, which were sown to 300 ha (0,2% of the forecast). This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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