Lutsk: "Security in life – a life in safety"
April 12 at the Palace of students, with the assistance of the Department of education of Lutsk city Council, for the purpose of training of pupils of secondary schools the rules of safe behaviour formation in students respect for the profession of a rescuer, bringing her to familiarize with the history of the fire rescue business and promote it among children and young people a healthy lifestyle took place the city stage of the XXIII all-Ukrainian festival of teams of young firefighters. The festival was attended by 5 teams from secondary schools in the city of Lutsk №№ 4, 11, 14, 22, 23. The festival program consisted of two competitions. In the competition "homework" on the theme "Security in life – a life in safety" team excelled with the originality of repertoire and performing skills, was struck by the interesting informative speeches, musical numbers, ranganatha. Performances were accompanied by presentation materials, videos and booklets and leaflets about the need for compliance with life safety, which were distributed in the auditorium. The contest "a Poster of social advertising" aimed to create a poster on safety. At the end of the festival was summed up, namely: * I place won the team "Agents 101" Lutsk educational complex secondary school I-III stages No. 22 – Lyceum; Second place with the same amount of points divided between the teams of "Agents of influence" Lutsk gymnasium № 4 named modest Levitsky and "show-off" of Lutsk educational complex "Gymnasium № 14 name of modest Levitsky"; Third place was won by the team "CMTS" Lutsk secondary school of I-II stages № 11 – Collegium; Fourth place went to the team "23 quarter" Lutsk secondary school of I-III stages No. 23. It is worth noting that the winner of the city stage of the XXIII all-Ukrainian festival of teams of young firefighters "Agents 101" Lutsk educational complex secondary school I-III stages № 22 – the Lyceum will present the city of Lutsk in the zonal stage of the XXIII all-Ukrainian festival of teams of young firefighters, which will be held on 04 may 2017 in the room Rozhischensky district house of culture, where will compete teams from the following districts: Rozhischensky, Kivertsi, Lutsk, Gorokhovsky, Lobachevskogo and the city of Lutsk. The Department of education of Lutsk city Council (800 724, 728 058) This was reported in Lutsk city CouncilПереведено сервисом "Яндекс.Переводчик":