In the Ternopil region are struggling with spontaneous dumps
10 natural municipal landfills revealed the State environmental Inspectorate in the Ternopil region 05.04.2017 years during the inspection the treatment of citizens of the S. wall of the Buchach district. The total area of unauthorized dumps is 2090 m?. Most of them are in the woodland adjacent to the village, in the territory of GP "Bucaccia forestry". In addition, the identified unauthorized application installed sewer pipe for removal of liquid waste (sewage) from commercial yards into a ravine in the woods. To eliminate the revealed violations Stinkville rural Chairman and the Director of GP "Bucaccia forestry" issued by the relevant regulations. The village head is also obliged to organize the collection and transportation of solid waste to ensure the establishment of the landfill for disposal. The calculation caused by a blockage of the damage. On once again draws the attention of the citizens that throw garbage in the forests, on river banks, roadsides, or any other unspecified locations are not allowed! This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":