The traveling Installation "the VERGE": what you need to know about human trafficking

to Counteract the trafficking easier than to deal with their consequences. Anyone can be a victim regardless of age, sex, social status. However, there are always people that will help and not leave in the lurch. "Know", "Understand", "Actions" main points of installation "the VERGE", which opened April 20 in Chernihiv on the Alley of Heroes. The main objective of the campaign is to draw attention to the issue of trafficking and to involve the public to prevent and combat modern-day slavery. This national information campaign conducted by the office of the International organization for migration (IOM) in Ukraine together with the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine supported by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway and the United States Agency for international development (USAID). By the way, the installation "the VERGE" was first established on 2 December 2016 in the city of Kiev. In Chernihiv in the opening of the installation was attended by the representatives of structural divisions of the regional state administration and city Council who carry out activities in the sphere of combating human trafficking, the students of Chernihiv national technological University, representatives of the national police and NGOs. As noted by the expert of the program of combating human trafficking, the IOM Mission in Ukraine Irina Mydlowec, since 1991, more than 160 thousand Ukrainians have suffered from human trafficking. Just last year, the IOM assisted more than one thousand people, among which 60% were men. 94% of all cases of labor exploitation. By the way, the youngest victim only three years old and the oldest was 83. - In the area now twenty-one citizen received the status of the injured person as the result of trafficking. For this indicator, the Chernihiv region in second place among regions of Ukraine. It's a lot or a little? It is difficult to answer. It is obvious that undiscovered facts much more. To admit that you were the victim, not everyone can, not everyone wants, — emphasized Svetlana Skiba, Deputy Director of the Department of family, youth and sports of RSA.*/blockquote */blockquote By the way, this installation is "On the verge" act in 2015 in Chernihiv national pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko. Everyone can see the current installation, "FACES", which is installed on the Alley of Heroes to 4 may. Weekly in this city will be various information events. According to the Department of information activities and public relations of the RSA

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