The founder of the book series "library of the Galician" met with Chernivtsi
In the Municipal library. A. Dobriansky held a creative meeting with literary critic, writer, essayist from Frankivsk Eugene Baran, who presented Chernivtsi to display their creative achievements over the past few years. In particular, this books founded in 2011, the series "Library of Galician". Eugene Baran began work on edition of edition of selected works of Anton Mogilnikova, priest and writer closer to the Galician literary society "Ruska Trinity". In 2013 was published in the series "library of the Galician" anthology of Ukrainian prose writer, poet and fabulist, born in Kalush Mikhail Kozora shot in 1937. Then saw the light and the book is dedicated to "the pilgrim of the Soviet era" Olga Ducks. This book includes the artistic work of the writer, as well as literary - critical essay about Natalia Kobrin, photo archives and epistolary heritage. Another book from the series "Library of Galician” presented by the native of Kolomyja town, writer from the Diaspora Rostislav Indicom (1906 -1974) and Hutsul folklore-mythological prose. And the most important work Eugene Baran considers the two volumes of "Taras Franko. Favorites", dedicated to the son of Ivan Franko, who from 1939 to 1949 he lived in Ivano-Frankivsk. The drafters Natalia Tijolos and Eugene Baran, in the anthology with DOH books included great artistic, scientific, memoirs and epistolary heritage of the Ukrainian writer and scholar. This is the first most complete edition of the works of Taras Franko, devoted to 125 anniversary of the birth of the writer. The study of life Ivan Franko and creative interpretation of Eugene Baran was the basis for another book – "Frankena Carpathians". This anthology represents the poetry, prose and nestico francano. The publication is interesting in that it involved Oksana Franko and placed in the book work Frankivsk painters and sculptors. Thanks love for the iconic literary figures of the past and research Eugene Baran does not leave to write essays and for many years adheres to the genre of literary-critical Assaidi. Says it's a genre that allows him to be heard. A striking example is the collection of essays "Chocolate Ukraine", containing the block of social and literary essays of the writer. In the collection reveals the author's thinking, which is passing through the prism of centuries immersed in the modern world – the world of literature, history and politics. The heroes of his esev have Shevchenko and Andrukhovych, Evdokia Yurchak and Flower Csak, Marko Cheremshyna, and "non-Academic Stefanik", Stepan Pushik and Ivan Franko. 2013 Eugene Baran led fasbase a kind of diary, where for several years wrote a literary mood, the moments, which often took the form of aphorisms. Now they formed the basis of two small books, "Unfinished book" and "Unfinished book... part of incha" literary critic currently writing the epistolary heritage of the sons of the master of the psychological novel after Vasyl Stefanyk, who gave Katrina Stefanik, as well as the study of books and manuscripts of the Ukrainian writer, cultural and educational figure, the father of Iryna Vilde, Dmytro Makogon, who was in Coloma in the discarded archives of the collector of Cretinine Ivan Kostashuk. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":