In Ternopil dismantled the temporary structure with the "Boulevard Sec.Petlyura"

may 23, a permanent working group on the organization of the removed temporary structures, which are constructed on the land plots of communal property without the relevant documents, dismantled the temporary structure (a trailer) on the street. April 15 (near public transport «Boulevard Sec.Petlyura”). Dismantling carried out pursuant to the decision of the Executive Committee of Ternopil city Council from 12.04.2017, No. 248 “to eliminate violations in the sphere of land law and urban planning". This building is located on the territory of KP “Ternopilavtotrans” at street. 7 in the city of Ternopil. For its return the owner should contact the CP “Technopolitical” vul. Tantsorova, 7 and PE “the East array” at the prospect of Stepan Bandera, 94 on the reimbursement of funds spent to carry out works on dismantling, transportation and storage of the object. This was reported in the Ternopil city Council

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