The private sector in Chernihiv joined the program 80/20
list of objects for the development of engineering and transport infrastructure private sector of the city that sputnitsa at the expense of the city budget in the ratio of 80/20, the Executive Committee at its meeting included the laying of a gravity sewer on the street Aviators. The construction project is located on lands of the Chernihiv city Council, the total length of the manifold gasket will be 290 meters from the house No. 3 to house No. 20. The project is included in the order filed in the office of housing and communal services of the city Council of the statements in the framework of the Programme of development of engineering and transport infrastructure of the private sector in the city of Chernihiv for 2016-2020. The total cost of construction in accordance with the expert report GP "ukrgosstroyekspertiza" is 486920,0 UAH, of which:389536,0 UAH of the city budget, UAH 97384,0 – own and attracted funds on self-organization of the population - street Committee "Avatars". The press service of the Chernihiv city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":