Dental implants: What is it?

dental Implantation is, simply speaking, the implantation in the jaw a special titanium insert (implant) is an artificial tooth root, which then sets a crown or a bridge. This method allows you to completely replace the lost tooth or model, and not one, but all the essential. In some cases, it is the only way to restore teeth.

"In Belarus today this procedure is performed on the best world standards. Modern equipment and materials, doctors of the highest qualifications, a serious oversight on the part of the state - as a result, patients come here not only from neighboring but also from distant countries. Traditionally prices and the cost of implantation in Belarus available for many," says (practicing in Minsk, an orthopedist, implantologist).


Advantages of implantation

today, the procedure of teeth implantation has the following advantages:

  • it is not connected with preparation of the adjacent teeth;
  • possibility to restore any defects regardless of their location or degree of extent;
  • ensures a secure fit and excellent chewing function.

Indications for implantation

dental Implants is a complex procedure that requires prior training and is based on objective data and x-ray pictures of the patient. An implant is indicated if:

  • missing one or more teeth;
  • Have the terminal defects of teeth (absent 6, 7, or 8 teeth);
  • “Fully edentulous" (no 100% teeth). In this case, the necessary implantation of the maxilla
  • Unwillingness of the patient to use dentures.

Types of dental implants

Dental implants can be divided into several types, the criteria of stem shape and material. Most dentures use titanium, as this metal is biologically compatible with human bone; moreover, he is not afraid of corrosion.

as for web forms, the most commonly used are tapered implants come in a variety of designs. They can be distinguished by the form of threads, surface texture, etc. Distinguish between tapered and cylindrical implants of the screw type.

In case of lack of bone or the presence of certain anatomic features of dentition is possible to use laminar, combined, endodontically stabilized implants.


Types of implantation procedure

In modern dentistry allocate single-stage and two-stage methods of implantation. Selecting the appropriate Protocol for the installation of implants, the dentist examines and evaluates all positive and negative points:

  1. the Classical two-step procedure of implantation involves the installation of a dentist vnutrisustavno part of the implant and its subsequent healing. The latter may last for at least three months, followed by the installation of the abutment;
  2. Under the one-stage implantation understand the implant and its implantation in the extraction socket.

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