Chernihiv: the Cores are blocked the movement of heavy vehicles on dams (added )
In Chernigov, in order to counteract the flooding of territories and households which is caused by a significant and rapid increase in water level in Core, continued to be provided flood protection. Among them – restriction of movement of heavy trucks (weighing more than 10 tons) through the dam through the streets of Kiev and the Heroes of Chernobyl. The restriction is introduced from 2 April to resolve the situation. Also on the dam of the river Bobbed on the street to further lowering of the level of melt water will be pumping water using ground equipment that will cross the roadway. In this regard, the street near the dam on the R Terminal will be temporarily overridden for vehicles completely. Currently, in the area of dams, locks the rod G. the organized duty of employees of gschs in order to clear the spillway and ensure the smooth passing of water. Their colleagues from the Department gschs city Council is constantly on duty in places of flooding of households, monitoring the situation for managerial decision-making by city management, it and coordination of actions, forces and means involved in liquidation of consequences of flooding. In case of need will organize the evacuation of residents from flooded homes and evacuating them. In this case, people will help transport for transportation of things. Defined and other measures to prevent flooding and maintain order. This is the decision today (April 2) meeting of the city Commission on questions tekhnogenno-ecological safety and emergency situations. The situation with the flooding of homes and already have done to counter this trouble is now the following: As reported at the meeting of the Commission the Deputy of Chernihiv mayor Andrei Chernenko, 1 April 2018 from 16 hours in Chernihiv there was a flooding of 81 private household (bobrovytsia district: vul. G. Jeskovo - 8, vul. Meadow - 34, vul. Sandy - 24, vul. Shevchenko - 3, vul. Lipinski – 12). To reduce the level of melt water excavator dug a trench along the street. Shevchenko at the house No. 253, length 30 m, depth 0.5 to 1 m and a width of 0,7 m. In the ways of the flow of water cleared the bed of the canal and surrounding area, removed the obstacles (debris, branches, fences) for the passage of water. As of 6 a.m. on April 2 through these measures we managed to reduce the water level on the street Shevchenko the house No. 253 to 48 cm (at the basic level of 1.12 m). A full water pumping in 15 households. At the scene worked for 3 pieces of equipment and 18 personnel UDSNS Ukraine in Chernihiv region, and 5 vehicles, 14 of the emergency services of the city. 2 April 2018 to 1 hour. 20 min. from the rise of the water level in the river Bobbed there was a flooding of 15 private farms (vul. Hound - 14, vul. Alexeeva - 1) in the city of Chernigov, on the right Bank of the river between km. 77 Guards Division and Kievskaya str. Resettled to the relatives of 2 people from a house on a street Hound and 5 people from the house on street Alekseeva.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":