Stepan Barna: Financing from the State road Fund to "revive" rural roads

Priority on repair of roads of local value journey to support schools, health care facilities, buildings for social purpose. In General, more than 3 500 km of roads in the area has more than 300 million UAH. The recovery strategy of the local road infrastructure is designed for the following three years, and gradually, the financing will grow. This said the Chairman of the Ternopil regional state administration Stepan Barna. Each year, the funding for the restoration of the road infrastructure will continue to grow From 1 January 2018, recall, local roads of the Ternopil region have changed the owner and moved on to the sphere of management of regional state administration. Therefore, repair and maintenance data of roads funded by the Road Fund, which has earned since the new year. The distribution of funds is made in proportion to the length of roads which are on balance of regional administration. "State road Fund is a guaranteed source of funding for roads. It is distributed as follows: 60% of funds on state roads, for them to answer Ukravtodor, 35% of public roads of local importance – these resources are local Executive authorities, that is, RSA – and 5% of the funds that will be allocated and will be funded for activities of road safety. To the road Fund will receive funds paid duties and excise duties. Therefore, we are interested in getting more entrepreneurs razminuvshis the Ternopil customs", – informed the Chairman of regional state administration. According to him, given the increase in the fulfillment of their respective revenues, in particular excise tax on fuel and vehicles and import duties on oil products and vehicles, in 2018, the Foundation will receive 50% of the collection of taxes in 2019 – 75% and in 2020 – 100%. In absolute numbers, 33 billion UAH. in 2018, about 52 billion in 2019 and not less than 76 bln. in the year 2020. The total amount of road sector in the region – nearly 2 billion UAH. That 2018 will be the year large-scale renovation of the road infrastructure, also said during the extended meeting of the regional development Council, which was held in Ternopil. Stepan Barna said that in the road sector of the region will be allocated from the State road Fund for state roads 1 billion 262 million UAH. 315 million on local roads, including rural, at least 70 million of the funds expected to receive from the fulfillment of customs clearance of goods, equipment and other property, as well as more than 200 million UAH. – on municipal roads. The total amount of 1 billion 850 million UAH.! The head of the Region also told about the main criteria that determine the priority of repair of local roads. It is journey to support schools, transportation to medical institutions and hospital districts, the passage to the buildings of the social sphere, on roads and provincial roads. In addition, will take into account the active participation of communities in financing repairs. At the same time, needs to work on prospect, – said Stepan Barna. And noticed that the village councils should be established a parliamentary Commission on the improvement and maintenance of local roads and utilities. This Board should help in the organization of the conservation and repair of roads in their localities. "Work must be productive, well-coordinated and consolidated! After all, the resource that gives the state for the restoration of roads must be mastered to the fullest!", – summed up the Chairman of regional state administration. This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administration

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