The procedure of mesotherapy: What is it?
Mesotherapy – is one of the few holistic treatments that helps us cope with skin dryness and sagging skin. As well as cope with first age-related changes and to improve skin tone.
When for the first time may need mesotherapy ? Usually , the girls first come to the beautician to carry out this procedure approximately 25-28 years. It was during this period they encounter the first mimic wrinkles , the code tomaney and loses its healthy appearance. It is also due to the fact that the skin slowly begins to lose hyaluronic acid and collagen , which are responsible for the tone of our skin. It should be noted that mesotherapy at home may not produce the desired result , so for the apparent effect one should take the full course in the cabin.
here is the Efficiency of mesotherapy is quite high , so It is often used not only as an opportunity to rejuvenate the skin , but also fights well with stress of the skin that provoke the aging process. This anti-stress mesotherapy copes well with insomnia, agitation and anxiety. And the price of such a course of mesotherapy are quite low.
the very same facial mesotherapy can impact not only skin, but also , for example, thighs. Helps in dealing with postpartum stretch marks.
What is facial mesotherapy?
Facial mesotherapy – is a technique in cosmetology, in which under the skin are special preparations that contain these essential skin components. For example , hyaluronic acid , amino acids, . and enzymes. improves circulation and increases the body's production of collagen and elastin.
Mesotherapy has been used for over 50 years. But became widely popular only in the mid-80s of the last century.
How to choose a drug that will be used later?
Before beginning this procedure, the doctor examines the skin and determines which age-related changes already present. After that, he assigns precisely the rate and with the drug that is needed by your skin.
that is, if you have dry and sagging skin, then you most likely will prescribe hyaluronic acid. But if you suffer from the fact that your skin tone is reduced, then you'll like the course, using the collagen and elastin. . And antioxidants required by the skin that has become dull and it began to appear the first wrinkles.
Mesotherapy person is comfortable enough and almost does not cause discomfort. The main principle of the procedure this is a shallow injection and small doses of the necessary drug that gets into the target.
the Effect of mesotherapy you will be able to see after 2-3 treatments. You will see that your skin is tightened, began to look healthy and radiant. From how many sessions will comprise your course will assign you a doctor. Its duration depends on the age and issues with which to deal. But the effect of facial mesotherapy will be held for several months . That is why cosmetologists recommends undergoing every six months.
Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid
With mesotherapy doctors-cosmetologists can also be delivered directly under the skin of the much needed hyaluronic acid. She, in turn, will be able to make up for the lack of moisture and lead to normal your skin.
But hyaluronic acid also has disadvantages. For a start it is worth considering that acid, which is injected under the skin in this way is only enough for a few weeks, then the procedure is repeated. And though the procedure itself is not expensive, but with frequent use of procedure, the sum will be felt. After mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid can sunbathe in the sun or in a Solarium.
- Allergies;
- Cancer;
- Epilepsy;
- Pregnancy and lactation
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