The truth about colored contact lenses
the Fashion for coloured contact lenses appeared relatively recently, but was solidly among those who wish not only to correct your vision but also change your way. It is precisely due to the second eye color completely changes and may feel quite differently. Besides, the colored lenses are a huge advantage. They protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and bring comfort to those who feel pain in bright sunlight. But, unfortunately, around colored lenses had the impression that they hurt. Harmful colored lenses whether they can impair vision? We will investigate further.
theWhat is the difference between color lenses that clear?
Many people think that colorless lenses unlike colored, totally harmless. In fact, these two views brings together a number of important benefits:
- When properly included both kinds of contact lenses are absolutely safe for the eyes; the
- They are made of a special silicone and hydro-gel; the
- Both types can protect against UV radiation, if this possibility is laid down in specifications during the production; the
- Colored and colorless products can be as a day, and quarterly and monthly. It does not matter their color; the
- Both products can improve the level of vision by a few diopters.
in addition, it is understood that during wear colours eyeball is absolutely not damaged. The lens itself is painted with a special pigment, which is deposited between two layers of the product and “sealed”. Consequently, the pigment does not interact with the eye and does not cause allergic or any other reactions. Another advantage of colored lenses - they are much easier to find in the container, in contrast to colorless.
theColor, tint and carnival lenses: what's the difference?
ophthalmology Market is rapidly expanding. Colorless products are supplemented with color and color tint and carnival. With their help you can not only change the tint or color of the eyes, but also to achieve an unexpected result. For example, to make the pupil in the form of a soccer ball or cat eye. What you need to know about colored contact lenses? Let us examine each view.
thecontact lenses
This kind of products are made with prescription lenses to improve vision, and without them to if you use to change the natural shade of eye color. Have a light color, not radically change the image and are often only suitable for those who have light color eyes. Tint lens will not be visible on people with brown, black and other dark colors eyes.
theColored items
This product has a dense color, so easily change any color eye. Can be prescription lenses to improve vision without them. Suitable for everybody, as hide any color of the iris.
theCarnival lenses
Relatively new products, which impress by their diversity. This original, colorful and enchanting lenses that can change eye beyond recognition. Absolutely any picture from the serpent's pupil to the target, suitable for everyone. Do not have a diopter and is intended only for those who wish to create a unique image.
thedo these lenses harm?
If you buy a quality product in specialty stores, then you exclude yourself from all sorts of risks and dangers. Brands like Alcon, Gelflex has gained huge popularity and is known for its high quality. Consequently, they are absolutely safe. Here only remains an important caveat how to choose colored lenses, because the color may not always be the way and, moreover, important characteristics to improve vision. In this case, consult a doctor. You will find the optimum types of products based on your vision, level of comfort and wishes. Otherwise you risk to buy a product that will give you discomfort while wearing.
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