What is endometriosis? Methods of treatment of disease

Internal reproductive organs of women the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The uterus consists of three layers. The inner layer is a mucous (endometrium), a middle muscular (myometrium) and outer (serosa). Next, more talk about endometriosis and will tell us about this disease the Whites Stepan Stepanovich - the head physician of medical centre of Hare in Transcarpathia .

Endometriosis - what is it?

Endometriosis is a pathological process in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) are found in other layers of the uterus (internal endometriosis) or in other organs of the reproductive system (external genital endometriosis), as well as outside of the reproductive system (endometriosis of other organs and tissues).

What it is?

depending on localization of process distinguish:

1. Endometriosis:

  • Internal (develops in the muscular layer of the uterus: it is called adenomyosis);
  • External (endometriosis of the tubes, ovaries, ligaments of the uterus, peritoneum pozadat space)
  • Retrocervical endometriosis.

2. Extragenital endometriosis:

  • Endometriosis bladder, intestines, kidneys, surgical scars, lungs etc.


the Causes of endometriosis are numerous:

  • the Contact elements of the endometrium to other tissues of the genitals, for example, when throwing menstrual blood into the abdominal cavity (implantation theory)
  • Change cells on endometrial epithelium (metaplasia theory)
  • Theory of embryonic origin (embryonic cells);
  • the theory of Hereditary (family history)
  • Neuroendocrine theory (infection in the period of menstrual function formation that lead to the dysregulation of development of the reproductive system)
  • theory of the Immune (immune deficiency).

With endometriosis, you might be concerned:

  • Pain or increases sharply before and during menstruation;
  • the Violation of menstrual function (rhythm disturbances of menstruation, before and plaintrain spotting);
  • Infertility
  • Diasporan (pain during intercourse).

Every second woman with endometriosis has a neuropsychiatric and vascular disorders.

Endometriosis and pregnancy

the Pregnancy has beneficial effects on the disease - often after it is improvement or recovery, but the endometriosis can be a serious barrier to pregnancy.

How to treat?

Endometriosis is a long - lasting, often progressive disease, terminating after the cessation of menstruation. Some forms of the disease lead to psychological exhaustion women (irritability, depression). Therefore, the treatment of endometriosis is a complex, long-term and sometimes expensive and / or require surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment is hormone therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy. For each particular woman is selected individually taking into account the localization, the extent of the process, tolerability of hormonal drugs;
Hormone therapy for endometriosis treatment gives a temporary positive effect (weaken or disappear the pain, Diasporan, normal menstrual function, fertility is restored).

When do you need surgery?

the Only method for complete cure is surgical removal or destruction of lesions. The choice of surgical access depends on the extent of endometriosis and the involvement in the pathological process of nearby organs, as well as zagalnoosvitnioi condition of the woman. The most appropriate access for the surgery is laparoscopic.

Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/