Train the body - "making of" piece

Experts believe that to keep fit, training muscles and get rid of extra pounds is best in the gym. Beginners should visit a trial lesson: if you like, you can purchase a subscription, for example, for 10 visits. The instructor will determine the program and the trainers, which can best be addressed.

it is Advisable to visit the facilities two to three times a week to do day break so the body can heal. It should be borne in mind that in the first month can worsen chronic diseases. If there is pain in the muscles, will help warm bath or hot shower (15-20 minutes). And trainings became effective, combine them with aerobic naglazyme (aerobics, running) that contribute to the development of endurance. But after a month or two become visible.

In fitness clubs or gyms instructor-led classes more effective than at home. In General, if you have time, it's good to combine classes with visits to home gyms.

home Run

what to do when there is free time to regularly attend gym or fitness room? The problem can be solved, bought a simulator, for example in the Internet-shop: and to engage the whole family at home.

Specialists of the simulators are divided into two conditional groups:

  • We who are developing endurance (cardio);
  • And those that develop strength (weight machines).

Strength training can be with built-in and free load. The fitness station and integrated fitness centers (exercise machines with built-in load) recommended for beginners who only train a particular muscle group.

At the gym with a free load of professional athletes. With their help increase not only muscle, but also practice the coordination of movements (during the lesson it is to keep the balance of the body).

Among men is now popular multifunctional fitness equipment. For example, "Total coach". It is possible to develop strength, endurance and flexibility of the spine. While women are more interested in monofunctional, in particular bustline that correct problem areas of the figure, "break up" cellulite.

For children the market of sporting goods offers a multi-colored metallic gymnastic wall. Adults, too, can "climb the wall" (it can withstand up to 90 pounds!), Hang on the rope, paedagogical on the rings. This mini-Playground is compactly located in the corner of the room. Classes on the gym wall contribute to the development and strengthening of the muscle corset, is a good prevention of scoliosis and degenerative disc disease.


Drink a strawberry smoothie and lose weight

it is Known that 80 percent of success in sport depends on nutrition. Have seen 17-year-old "champion" (so called the guy instructor - ed.) Pavlo Voznyuk:

I started to "swing" an hour ago. My instructor advised me to include in daily ration sports nutrition. I don't know, would I have the strength and learns, and "drag" the iron, if not products with a high content of protein and proteins, - the guy tells. - Now is not one she can lean on my shoulder!

Due to the high biological activity of dietary supplements maintained a high performance of the body. They are quickly absorbed by the body, so these products, but always after consultation with the doctor can be consumed by people with insufficient secretory function of the body and a weakened gastrointestinal tract. The application must set your instructor.

Today is a very popular steel complexes "quick weight loss", which is used in the form of cocktails of different flavors or tablets. But there is a limit: the maximum amount of fat which can burn the body, should not exceed 700 grams per week. If you do not follow the advice of experts, you can lose not only weight, but health. This is especially true of people with kidney disease and heart. Fat burners can also contain vitamin and energy content. To enhance the efficiency experts advise to eat before training pill, and after a cocktail that will quench your hunger.

Concerned with comfort

the Clothes should be loose and comfortable, not constrain movements, and is made from "breathable" materials. When you purchase should pay attention to the composition of the material of the clothes.
To practice in a gym suit tops, shorts, t-shirts, track suits, Capri. In particular, the firm Adidas uses for clothing fabric Clima series that maintain a comfortable body temperature during exercise.

When you select should pay attention to the series of fabrics:

  • ClimaLite (absorbs excess moisture, the skin remains dry);
  • ClimaCool (optional breathable and maintains optimal body temperature).

for Those who want to lose weight, recommend clothes from neoprene, which has a "greenhouse effect": when the load burns fat. To practice in the hall necessarily need to buy special shoes. For fitness best light (leather, nubuck) and high (closed to the bone) with reinforced soles for weight training.

Adidas and Nike offer different types of shoes for training in the hall: genuine leather, the seamless use of technology, the outsole of durable rubber compound. If the midsole running shoes or insoles from EVA (cushioning properties), shoes to dissipate shock loads. You should also pay attention to the shape of the insole, on which depends the comfort in the classroom. Anatomical geoFIT pads the same shape as the foot, providing stability shoes. In addition, the company offers Nike shoes to practice on the bike. Sneakers outsole prevents slippage from the pedals.

by the Way, pay special attention, not "writes" the sole of a Shoe on the floor, because the owner of the hall, there will be very pleased when spoil his property.

gym Equipment in the fresh air have a dual effect

If the house or apartment there is no possibility to do sports, be active at home, outside, in nature - both its own efforts and with the help of local authorities, which will contribute to the establishment of the simulators. They are quite easy to install and not complicated to use. Working under the advantages of one's own body, without the attachments and cargo. To work out, is just to find the time and desire.
