The Ternopil region: a local resident was hospitalized with a diagnosis of "Frostbite of fingers of both feet"

12 January at 08:25 in Ternopil city hospital was hospitalized a local resident, born in 1950. The diagnosis of the victim – “Frostbite of fingers of both feet". _____________________________________________________________________________ Management SSES of Ukraine in Ternopil region concerned about the situation regarding the injury and death of citizens due to hypothermia. Indeed, since the beginning of the current year due to the influence of low temperatures in the region are already 8 cases and 1 case of injury death. To avoid hypothermia and frostbite, rescuers recommended to follow the basic rules of behavior at low temperatures. Hypothermia – hypothermia. This phenomenon is characterized by a strong drop in body temperature, which causes adverse changes of the condition of the body. It leads to disruption of normal metabolic processes and reduce the body's ability to replenish the heat loss. The body can SuperCool if he loses much more heat than it produces, what happens usually during a long stay of a person in the cold. This is especially true in intensely cold weather combined with high humidity and strong winds. Also the danger of a sharp supercooling of the organism and all its consequences there are, if a person falls through the ice on the surface of ice-covered ponds. Persons prone to hypothermia include: - much time was on the cold; - elderly people; - small children; - persons who have problems with healthy’pits; - persons with heart disease that cause circulatory disorders. The degree of hypothermia – vary in degree of severity of the lesions of the body. Mild hypothermia: The body temperature is lowered to 32-34 degrees. The skin become pale in color, appear chills, difficulty of speech, "goose skin". Blood pressure remains normal, if it increases, it is insignificant. In mild hypothermia is already possible frostbite of individual body parts, especially hands and feet, 1-2 degrees. Moderate hypothermia: The body temperature drops to 29-32 degrees. His pulse slowed down considerably – up to 50 blows per minute. The skin becomes cyanotic, cold to the touch. Several blood pressure decreases, and breathing becomes shallow and rare. Often when hypothermia moderate attacks of sudden drowsiness. Afford to sleep in such conditions it is impossible categorically, because production of energy during sleep is reduced, in this state, a person may die. At this stage hypothermia frostbite 1-4 possible extent. Degree frostbite of the body: Severe hypothermia: The body temperature drops below 31 degrees. The person loses consciousness, its heart rate slows down to 36 beats per minute. Often there are cramps and vomiting. Breathing becomes very slow – up to 3-4 breaths per minute. Occurs acute oxygen starvation of the brain. Frostbite with this degree of hypothermia is very heavy and if not to provide immediate help, there will come a Mortis and death. Assistance should be provided correctly, otherwise you can bring harm to the victim. First aid for hypothermia Steps in providing first aid vary depending on the degree of frostbite, the condition of General cooling of the human body, its age and existing diseases. When providing first aid it is necessary to terminate the refrigeration to warm the extremities to restore circulation in damaged tissues of a cold to prevent development of infectious complications. In the first instance should be directed the victim to the nearest warm room, take off his shoes, outerwear, socks and gloves. Concurrently with the events of the first stage it is necessary to call the ambulance to conduct qualified measures to rescue the victim. When i frostbite nd degree, parts of the body, chilled, easy to massage with warm hands or m’a cloth made of wool, and then impose a cotton-gauze stand’connected. Apply warm local baths for hands and feet, is effective and common warm bath. The water, when its initial temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, gradually over 15 minutes, heated to body temperature (about 40 degrees). Frostbite II-IV-th degree of rapid warming, massage or rubbing should not be done. We need to apply on the affected surface of a heat insulating floor’regard (a layer of gauze, a thick layer of cotton wool, again a layer of gauze, and the top oil cloth or rubberized fabric). The affected limb should be fixed with the help of available tools (a piece of Board or plywood, thick cardboard), which are superimposed and fixed at the top’duties. For insulation and to improve blood circulation should be good to wrap up the victim, and to replenish heat in the body to give to drink hot tea or milk, but in any case not to offer coffee, alcohol, which contribute to a sharp expansion of blood vessels, resulting in their rupture, internal hemorrhages and disruption of the heart. No need to RUB the affected areas of the body with snow, abrasive particles which can cause additional injury to damaged skin. You cannot use fast warming frostbitten limbs by the fire, uncontrolled use heating pads and other heat sources. If there was an accident on the pond, the hole should not rush, risking to fail yourself, but to carefully crawl, reaching out to the person that failed, stick, long scarf or belt. Being in icy water reflected on the human condition negatively. The victim as quickly as possible to deliver in a warm room where to help him get rid of smoko clothes and warm up. An ambulance should be immediately called if: • on warming there is a growing pain, and the fingers are cold and pale; • on the skin areas, subjected to hypothermia, have any bubbles; • the victim had slowed down breathing, there was drowsiness and lethargy, severe tremors, and confusion; • plot size frostbite – larger than the area of the palm; • strong hypothermia or frostbite occurred in a child or an elderly person. The effects of hypothermia Usually hypothermia does not pass without a trace, because from the trauma the body's defenses are reduced. When the chill of any severity are favorable conditions for the manifestation of acute respiratory diseases, develop organic changes in the brain and vessels. But the worst consequence of hypothermia can be considered frostbite of body parts and limbs. Therefore, it is better to prevent hypothermia than to suffer later from its effects. Prevention of hypothermia and frostbite There are several simple rules which will help avoid hypothermia and frostbite. At very low temperatures: do not drink alcoholic beverages – alcoholic JV’intoxication contributes to high loss of heat at the same time causes the illusion of heat. An additional negative factor is the inability to focus on the first signs of frostbite. Do not smoke on a frost-Smoking reduces peripheral blood circulation and makes the course more vulnerable to the effects of the cold. An empty stomach is also not conducive to the development of energy needed to combat cold. Wear loose-fitting clothing-it promotes normal blood circulation. Dress so that between the layers was a layer of air that retains heat. Garments it is advisable to wear waterproof. Tight shoes, no insoles, can create the preconditions frostbite. In shoes, you should put warm insoles, and instead of cotton socks to wear wool-they absorb moisture and leave feet dry. Don't go out in the cold without gloves and scarf. In windy conditions on exposed body apply a special cream. Do not carry on a frost metal (including gold and silver) jewelry. First, the metal is cooled to a low temperature faster than the body, which might "sticking" of these items to the skin with the emergence of feelings of pain and cold injuries. Secondly, the rings on the fingers prevents blood circulation and contribute to frostbite of the extremities. As soon as the limbs began to freeze, you should immediately start to move, not allowing them to freeze. And the main condition for the prevention of hypothermia – healthy lifestyle, quitting bad habits and constant hardening of the body. In the end pam’remember that the best way to get out of an unpleasant situation – it's not to get. Pam’remember: your healthy’I – at your fingertips..

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