The Ukrainian rescuers have carried out tactics-special doctrines on the basis of secondary school

1 February in zalischyky the staff of the 15-th state fire and rescue unit conducted a tactical exercise on the basis of comprehensive school I-III art. ¹ 2. The purpose of the event – training and skills of rescuers in liquidation of fires on about’objects of education. Employees of gschs, which arrived on a call after receiving from the administration of the institution a report of a fire in one of the classrooms, have deployed all the forces and means in structure of a link of gas and smoke protection service has started liquidation of consequences of emergencies. Firefighters have successfully fulfilled actions on liquidation of a conditional fire and conducted a study of the tactical peculiarities about’object of the exercise and drew attention to the existence and serviceability of fire-water sources of supply. In the end, the instructor concluded that the employees of the fire and rescue service, in collaboration with the staff of the institution set targets for the elimination of a conditional fire was worked out in full.

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