In Vinnitsa rescuers remove illegal dumps of luminescent lamps

March 14, rescuers received the message that in one of the abandoned buildings near S. Blyuz Zhmerinsky area locals found illegal dumps of luminescent lamps. The owner of the findings so far could not be found, but in fact criminal case is brought. Rescuers together with the provincial Department of environment, on the owners’of the object and the local authorities take measures to clean the area, remediation and download hazardous items for recycling. As of morning on March 15, rescue perestrelo more than four thousand mercury lamps. The work will last for several days. Overall, the projected number of sweeps that contain mercury is more than 9 thousand pieces. To the repackaging of lamps from SSES involved 5 personnel and 1 unit of equipment. PG DSNS Ukraine in Vinnitsa region

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