Chernigov: Firefighters are reminded to protect themselves from fire

On the territory of Chernihiv region in recent days was 9 fires, where the fire damaged 8 buildings. In this regard, Training center of civil protection and life safety Chernihiv region reminds about rules of fire safety. With decreasing temperature the population of the more intensive use of heating devices and heaters. As a result, often there are fires caused by careless treatment of various heating devices and oven heating. As a result, destroyed buildings and property, the victims of the fire people. This is because it is often not given due attention to the implementation of fire safety rules. With the beginning of the year on the territory of Chernihiv region was 126 fires caused by the wrong device and malfunction of heating furnaces and flues, careless handling of fire, the disadvantage of the design and production of electrical, short circuit power, violation of fire safety rules at operation of furnaces. In order to minimize the risk of fire it is necessary to remember some simple rules and be sure to follow them in everyday life. Before you turn on the heating device, it is necessary to verify its origin and to acquire and use only quality licensed devices. In any case, do not use makeshift heaters. Not be amiss to confirm that the product has no mechanical damages. If the heater sparks and overheats, it is better to abandon its use. The next cause of fires – the inclusion of multiple high-power devices and long-term use, leading to congestion of the network. Can not be placed near heaters items made from combustible materials to dry on the heaters linen, folding the paper and other things. A fire may occur from the fact that the heaters are near the objects that heat may erupt. Leaving home, you must make sure that all electric heating devices are turned off. If you use heating stove heating, it is necessary to validate that the furnace and furnishing fire safety regulations. In particular, according to the rules they should have fire breaks from combustible constructions, the floor of flammable materials under the fire door must be protected by a metal sheet of size 0,7x0,5 m, arranged with its long side along the furnace. Attics all the pipes and walls, which are flues should be plastered and whitewashed, and in any case not papered, so you can clearly see the cracks and damage that may occur in the process of operation. Check the chimney owners should at least twice a year. The chimney is correctly folded oven remains clean for many years. Its service is only to the regular removal of ash from the blower and the first channels in the direction of motion of flue gases. Do not leave unattended furnaces that burn either charge the supervision of young children. The wood used for burning should not exceed the size of the firebox. In the operation of the firebox door must be closed. For ignition furnaces do not use flammable and combustible liquids. In case of fire should be immediately reported by phone "101". According to information Training and methodological center of civil protection and life safety Chernihiv region

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