In Zhytomyr region features calculation the minimum wage

employee's wages for completely executed monthly (hour) rate of remuneration cannot be below the minimum wage – under article 31 of the Law (in the wording of Law of Ukraine from 06.12.2016 No. 1774-VIII). Also, the legislation includes an exhaustive list of payments that are not considered when calculating the employee's wages to ensure that its minimum size is a bonus for night work and overtime, traveling nature of work, bonuses for holidays and anniversaries. Therefore, in the case where the employee established surcharges for work in difficult and harmful, especially heavy and especially harmful working conditions, are paid according to the results of certification of workplaces, the fee for the use of disinfectants, for night work, increased payment for overtime, other payments identified in the second paragraph of article 31 of the Law, they should be paid above the minimum wage (3200 UAH). All other components of salary listed in part two of article 31 of the Law, should be taken into account up to the minimum wage. That is, the amount of indexation included in the payments that must be accounted for in wages, while ensuring the minimum size. As for the amount of the financial assistance is paid in the amount of the average wage, calculated in accordance with the provisions of an order of calculation of average wages, approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 08.02.1995 ¹ 100, it is not included in wages to ensure a minimum level, since it is paid to the employee for the work performed, and provided for the decision socially – household questions. We remind you that from 1 January 2017 increased financial liability of employers for violation of labour legislation. Reference. January 1, 2017 entered into force the Law of Ukraine from 06.12.2016 No. 1774-VIII "On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine", which, in particular, amendments to article 265 of the Code of laws on labor of Ukraine (the Labor code), which provides for liability for violation of legislation on labor. In particular, legal entities and physical persons-entrepreneurs who use hired labor, are responsible for the violation of labour legislation in the form of a fine. Provided for by part two of article 265 of the Labor code of Ukraine financial sanctions imposed by the territorial departments of the State service of Ukraine on labour, which is the Central body of Executive power that implements the state policy on supervision and control over observance of labor legislation. The fines specified in paragraph two of part two of this article, may be imposed by the Central body of Executive power specified in part four of this article, without the implementation of measures of state supervision (control) on the basis of a court decision on the registration of labor relations with the employee who performed the work without concluding an employment contract, and establishing the period of such work or work part-time in the case of actual execution of work the full working time set on the enterprise, institution, organization. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administration

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