In the Ternopil region, the village elder, local leader,administrator,representative of interests of territorial community

In Ternopil, in support of the Program on empowerment at the local level, accountability and development of U-LEAD with Europe, a seminar for chiefs and VA. the joint chiefs of territorial communities in Ternopil region. Organizational, methodological and financial support was provided by Ternopil Centre for the development of local self-government. The purpose of this seminar is to acquaint the prefects with the OTG changes to the current legislation in the part of the authorities and responsibilities of chiefs and the institution of stewards and understanding the concept of "starominsk district." The objective of the workshop was the formation of the elders, as a local leader, administrator and representative of interests of territorial community, of the Communicator between the people and the management of GSS. This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administration

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