Ternopil: team SSES field won the silver medal on the results of the comprehensive standings "Dinamiada-2015"

13 January 2016 hosted the sixth report-election conference of the regional Ternopil regional organization of the FSO «Dynamo» Ukraine. The event reviewed the organization's activities for 2015 and identified the main areas for the current year. Also summed up the team event the regional comprehensive competitions in the program «Dinamiada - 2015” and said the best athletes, coaches and community asset. On the positive side was evaluated and the staff of the Department gschs of Ukraine in the Ternopil region. Team fire and rescue service area has shown good results, demonstrated to the abolition of the fighting qualities and ability to fight for the victory. In 2015, the representatives of the rescue Service became the repeated prize-winners among combined FSO «Dynamo» in different sports. In particular in the asset rescue team places second in volleyball and Sambo, and the third weight lifting. The number of representatives In the SSES team excelled in the individual tests. In particular, fire rescue DPRP-21 Sergeant of civil defense Vladimir Dovgoshey excelled in competitions on kettlebell lifting (in weight category up to 64 kg). The commander of the guard PRNG-12 captain of civil protection Alexander Fedichev and lead inspector Kremenets RO Igor Vlasyuk became winners of the Sambo, having won in their weight categories the first places, and the chief of the guard DPRC-4 Lieutenant of service of civil protection Nikolay the Ivans in this sport won the second place. In competitions on cross-country race among women, the specialist of the sector of psychological support of the senior Lieutenant of civil defense Catherine Nyco won the third place at a distance of 1000 m. According to the results of a comprehensive competition «Dinamiada-2015" the winner was a joint team of physical culture General Directorate of National police in the Ternopil region, the second line p’Dascalu took the staff of the office of the state Service of Ukraine on emergency situations in the Ternopil region, the third place team from the Main Directorate of the State fiscal service. According to the results, the best, noted with cups and diplomas of the regional organization of the FSO «Dynamo» Ukraine.

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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/