In the Transcarpathian region in the village of Pylypets of the short circuit burned residential building

on January 20, Pylypets village, Mizhhiria district was a fire in one-storeyed residential building. The landlady was in the summer kitchen, when she heard the crackling of slate. The woman came into the yard and saw that the roof is completely covered by flame ' pits. 15:33 she reported the accident to emergency services. The first in sec. Pylypets to eliminate the fire arrived two branches of the 4th state fire and rescue part of the village Migr’I. Because there was a threat of transfer of the flame’I on outbuildings and the house next door, to help the fighters of gschs left the office DPRC-11 PGT Volovets, and later – fire and local fire brigade Nyzhny Studeny village. Just in extinguishing the fire were involved 4 vehicles and 15 personnel. To localize the fire they managed in 17:16 and, to eliminate it – 18:54. Presumably, the cause of the fire was a short circuit of the mains in the house. The damage caused by elements are installed, since the fire destroyed the roof and overlap an area of 180 sq. m. and household goods. But the fighters DSNS managed to save from destruction the barn, a bathhouse and a neighboring residential building. In gschs of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region

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