945 educational institutions of Zhytomyr region closed for quarantine

According to the Department of education and science of the regional state administration in connection with the increase in the region the incidence of influenza and SARS as of 11.00 a.m. on 26 January 2016 closed on quarantine 945 schools. Suspended education in such districts and cities of the region: # PP District (city), combined territorial community The number of BCL Number of SCHOOLS (classes) where suspended training The percentage of closed schools The order the duration of the suspension 1. M. Zhitomir 37 37 100 % planned vacation 2. M. Berdichev 14 14 100 % 18.01.-31.01.2016 3. m. Novograd - Volynskiy 11 11 100 % 18.01.-to stabilize 4. Berdichevsky district 29 13 - DOE 100 % 18.01.-31.01.2016 5. Baranowski Mr. 29 29-SSS 14-DOE 100 % 18.01.-31.01.2016 18.01.-31.01.2016 6. Malyn district 22 22-SSS, 15 - DOE 100 % 15.01.-31.01.2016 7. Radomyshl district 29 29 100 % 18.01.-31.01.2016 8. Popilnyansky district 28 28 100 % planned vacation 9. The ovrutsk Mr. 38 38-GPC, 1 - DOE 100 % 18.01-31.01. 2016 21.01-31.01.2016 10. Chudnovsky R-n 30 30 POPS 34 DOE, 2 NORTH 100 % 18.01.-31.01 2016 11. M. Malin 6 6 100 % 18.01.-31.01 2016 12. Romanovsky R-n 27 27-SSS, 21-DOE 100 % 18.01.-31.01.2016 13. Zhytomyr district 37 33-SSS, 37ДНЗ 100 % 25.01.-31.01 2016 14. Novograd-Volynskiy district 52 52-SSS, 21 - DOE 100 % 18.01.-31.01.2016 15. Narodytska TOG 13 13 100 % 18.01.-31.01 2016 16. Olevskiy R-n 41 41 - SSS 100 % 25.01.-31.01.2016 17. Andrushivka district 21 21 - SSS 100 % 19.01–31.01.2016 18. Chervonenka TOG 3 3 100 % 19.01–31.01.2016 19. Ox-Volynsky district 22 22 100 % 20.01.-27.01.2016 20. Ruzhinskaya district 27 27-POPS 4 - DOE 100 % 20.01 - 21.01 26.01.2016.-31.01.2016 21. Krasnoarmejsky R-n 20 10-POPS 23-DOE 50 % 21.01–31.01.2016 22. Belyaevsky R-n 17 17-SSS, 18-DOE 100 % 22.01.-31.01.2016 23. Zhytomyr district 33 33-SNO, 37 - DOE 100 % 25.01.-31.01.2016 24. Korostyshevsky district 23 23-SSS 100 % 25.01.-31.01.2016 25. Lyubarsky district 29 29-SSS, 26-DOE 100 % 25.01.-31.01.2016 26. Chernyakhovsky district 22 22-SSS 100 % 25.01.-31.01.2016 27.. M. Korosten 13 13 - GPC, 1 - EAST 100 % 25.01 -31.01.2016 28. Korosten district 37 37-SSS 100 % 26.01.-31.01.2016 29. DOP "Zhytomyr ITTU" 10 1 (614 academic) 19.01.-27.01.2016 30. Zhytomyr Professor Polytechnic Lyceum 10 1 (346 account). 18.01 -27.01.2016 31. M. Berdichev vocational school № 4 3 1 (262 academic) 18.01–31.01.2016 32. Baranivskiy professional College 1 1 (study 223) 25.01.-31.01.2016 33. DPTS "Zhytomyr higher vocational school of service and design" 10 1 (531 academic) 25.01.-31.01.2016 34.. Center VET M. Zhitomir 10 1 (740 academic) 20.01.-31.01.2016 35. Zhytomyr professional .Lyceum of light industry 10 1 (264 academic) 20.01.-31.01.2016 36. Zhytomyr professional Lyceum of sphere of services 10 1 (317 academic) 26.01.-31.01.2016 37. Malyn professional College 1 1 (376 academic) 26.01.-31.01.2016 38. Lubarsky professional Lyceum 1 1 (378 academic) 26.01.-31.01.2016 39. Krasnoarmeyskaya professional College 1 1 (240 study) 26.01.-31.01.2016 JUST 667-SSS 264-DOE, 3-NORTHERN 11 VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administration

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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/