In the Zhytomyr region firefighters eliminated the fire in the building obstetric points
27 January at 06:45 in Service of rescue "101" received a report of a fire in the brick building obstetric points in S. Zablocky Radomyshl district. Rescuers 16th State fire and rescue unit that arrived on site found that the fire is in one of the rooms of the building where the chimney comes out of the heating furnace to the attic of the building. The efforts of the fighters DSNs fire was localized at 07:11 and liquidated at 07:35. The fire destroyed 3 square meters floors near the chimney of the furnace and damaged some property and the existing outpatient facilities. The dead and injured there. Just to eliminate the fire involved 5 personnel and 1 rescue vehicles. Probable cause of fire was improper device and operation of oven heating. Now experts set the final cause of the fire, and also the amount caused by fire damage and saved material values. Dear residents the field! For prevention of emergency situations and fires during the heating season you should know the basic requirements of the rules for use of stove heating and various heating devices: - to clean the chimneys and furnaces of soot before and during the whole heating season; - do not leave stoves that burn unattended or entrust the supervision of young children. It is strictly forbidden: - use stoves that have cracks; - do not place the fuel and other combustible substances and materials directly in front of the flue opening; - never dry and fold clothes for stoves, firewood, other combustible objects and materials; - use wood for heating, the length of which exceeds the size of the furnace. In DSNs in Zhytomyr regionÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":