In the Zhytomyr region round-the-clock duty in the state sanitary and epidemiological service
for the purpose of operative reaction to possible worsening sanitary-epidemiological situation associated with emergencies and hazardous events on the territory of Zhytomyr region is carried out round-the-clock. In the Main Department of state sanitary and epidemiological service in Zhytomyr region and SE "Zhytomyr regional laboratory center of state sanitary and epidemiological service of Ukraine" defines those persons who will be on duty in February 2016. Get a professional answer to the question about sanitary-epidemiological situation in the area you can by following phones: 01.02.-07.02.2016 VOLKOVA T. A. head. the Department of especially dangerous infections SE "Zhytomyr regional laboratory center of state sanitary and epidemiological service of Ukraine" (0412)346412 097-284-59-66 08.02.-14.02.2016 GAIDUKEVICH, L. V. chief specialist of Department of organization of sanitary inspection of the main Department of state sanitary and epidemiological service in Zhytomyr region (0412)343401 096-232-76-68 15.02.-21.02.2016 GOREVCHUK A. I. chief specialist of Department of organization of sanitary inspection of the main Department of state sanitary and epidemiological service in Zhytomyr region (0412)343401 097-321-14-46 22.02-28.02.2016 LUTAI T. A. chief specialist of Department of organization of sanitary inspection of the main Department of state sanitary and epidemiological service in Zhytomyr region (0412)343401 This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":