In the Zhytomyr region social protection of children
21 February came into force the Law of Ukraine from 26.01.2016 No. 936-VIII "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning the strengthening of social protection of children and support to families with children". The changes are aimed at improving the system of children's rights in Ukraine by improving the mechanisms and procedures of making decisions regarding the protection of the child's place of residence, support for families with children who are in difficult life circumstances, have suffered as a result of military action or armed conflict. The law introduces amendments to 9 existing laws of Ukraine aimed at bringing the legislation into line with the UN Convention on the rights of the child. The Law prohibits the involvement of children in hostilities and armed conflict, as well as attracting, funding, material support, training for use in armed conflicts of other States or violent actions aimed at overthrowing of government or violation of territorial integrity, using in armed conflicts or actions, involvement and/or involvement of children in war propaganda, etc. In addition, there was determined an obligation of the state for resettlement of children who are or may be in the zone of hostilities or armed conflict, in safe areas. If a child, for some reason left without parental care, the state must search for her family members to be reunited with their families. Also the state should undertake the search and return to Ukraine of all children who were illegally exported abroad. Improving the procedure of registering the children who are internally displaced. In particular, children older than 14 years will be able to register with the social security authorities. However, clearly defined the procedure of registration of children under the age of 14 years who moved from the temporarily occupied territories without their parents. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":