Chernivtsi: the Labour contract with the head physician of city stomatologic polyclinics terminated prematurely

mayor Alex Kaspruk stopped since March 2 of this year, the labour contract with the chief doctor of the municipal medical institutions "City dental polyclinic", Director of the city's territorial medical Association "Stomatology" Vladimir Struk from the grounds, stipulated by the contract and the Code of labour laws of Ukraine. The head of Department of health of city Council of Igor Nisporenskogo obliged to take organisational measures for acceptance from Vladimir Struk seals, stamps, documents and property of the municipal medical institutions "City dental polyclinic" of urban and territorial medical Association "Stomatology". Acting Director of the city's territorial medical Association "Stomatology", the chief physician of the CMU "City dental clinic" with the right to sign documents has been appointed Director of the 1st therapeutic Department of the clinic of the dentist-the therapist Natalia Kushnir. Nataliya Kushnir has a medical degree on the specialty "Dentistry", a dentist for 34 years, holds the position of head of the 1st therapeutic Department of the municipal dental clinic since 2005, is located in the personnel reserve for the position of chief physician of this institution. Mayor Alex Kaspruk on March 2 at a meeting with representatives of all structural divisions of the trade Union Committee and city dental clinic informed about the reasons of the adopted personnel decisions, the results of the review of e-petition demanding personnel changes in this medical institution and the challenges before the labor staff of the clinic to improve the quality of care of residents in terms of reforming the industry. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city Council

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