rescuers explained to the managers of agricultural enterprises of requirements of the legislation in the field of civil protection

01 March in conference room Dubrovytsky district administration was held a meeting with heads of agricultural enterprises of the district chaired by the head of Department of agroindustrial development Dubrovitsky RGA Gregory Talovich. The objective of the meeting was communicated to the business executives of the main requirements of fire safety rules and labour protection. To bring the requirements of the legislative acts in the field of fire safety at the meeting were invited the representatives of the Dubrovytsky district sector PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region. The lifeguard told the audience the basic requirements of the Code of civil protection of Ukraine and rules of fire safety, especially on issues that affect agricultural enterprises. It was also noted about the likely threats of fires on peat’wooden boxes, as part of farms has in the use of land with deposits of peat. The meeting discussed ways of prevention of and response to such fires. Not paid attention to the workers of gschs and such a pressing issue, as the order of actions when it detects explosive objects, because it's time for spring field works, during which the probability of detecting such dangerous finds is greatest. On this issue was given clear information and the algorithm of actions in case of detection of dangerous discoveries. In General, the meeting was held in the form of discussion, because the questions very much, which suggests that farm managers strive to improve the fire protection of the objects’objects. Dubrovitsky RS GU gschs Of Ukraine in Rivne region

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