In the Chernigov area during house fire saved by 3 people

March 14 at 22:12 in Service of rescue "101" in the city of Nezhin was reported on fire two-storey 10 apartment house on the street of Merchants. On a call three minutes to a scene there arrived rescuers of the 16th State fire and rescue unit consisting of 7 personnel and 2 units of special equipment. At this time in the hallway of the entrance there was intense burning, and the house was observed a strong smoke. Rescuers in protective gas masks immediately started fighting. Thanks to the prompt action of the fire in 22:21 and was localized at 00:20 finally eliminated. In the course of the fighting were rescued 3 residents of the house who were in the apartments on the second floor and dense smoke could not go outside. The fire damaged the walls of the corridor on the area of 20 sq m, a roof and overlappings on the area of 30 sq. m. During the investigation the causes and circumstances of the fire’it turned out that lit up the old furniture and trash that was stored in the hallway of a house. Likely the fire was caused by someone's negligence in dealing with fire. The guilty person is established. In connection’connection with this, rescuers are turning to citizens to be careful and cautious in dealing with fire, do not allow Smoking in bed, carefully extinguish cigarette butts and matches. Take care of your life and the lives of those around you! UDSNS in Chernihiv region

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