It's grief in another family Volyn
Heavy tragedy once again touched the communities of our city. It was reported that serious injuries in the hospital died lucanin Lutsyuk Mr. Roman. Roman Lutsyuk was born in the village Skln Gorokhovsky district August 25, 1976, he studied at the local secondary school, he graduated from the Volyn state University of Lesya Ukrainka. Worked in the municipal team of the city of Lutsk, and then was an entrepreneur. From the first days of the beginning of Bromide was an active participant. May 30, 2014 enlisted in the 24th battalion of territorial defense “Aydar”, took an active part in the fighting and was wounded twice. After the second injury, which happened November 5, 2014, near the city of Happiness, spent two months in treatment at the Kiev military hospital, and from there he was taken for treatment in the United States of America, but, unfortunately, to save the life of a soldier failed. In the night from 19 to 20 March, the Hero died. Lost son mother, Emilia V., father - daughter Alina and Anastasia, husband - wife Tatiana. Lutsk city Council, Executive Committee and community deeply mourn the death of Roman Lutsyuk I., I Express my sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. The bright memory of our compatriot who gave his life for the integrity and independence of Ukraine, will forever remain in the hearts of the inhabitants of the city. The date of funeral will be announced later. According to preliminary information Roman Lutsyuk deliver to Ukraine on 25 March, buried 26 March. MEMORY ETERNAL!!! GLORY TO THE HERO !!! This was reported in Lutsk city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":