Chernihiv: the Government will encourage energy efficiency
In Ukraine the state program aimed at stimulating the implementation of energy efficient measures populations — the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from March 3, 2010 No. 243 approved the State target economic program of energy efficiency and development of sphere of production of energy carriers from renewable energy sources and alternative fuels (hereinafter – the Program). Its purpose — creation of conditions for the approximation of energy consumption in Ukraine to the level of developed countries and European Union standards, improving the efficiency of use of energy resources, strengthening of competitiveness of the national economy and optimizing the structure of energy balance of the state. Simply put, the state seeks the rational use of energy, when the consumer takes care of their savings. In December 2015, paid from the budget of 123 million UAH of compensation under this Program. In particular, the CMF received 0.6 million hryvnias of compensation. Families who took out loans for energy efficient materials, 116 million, "Neganov" boilers – 6.4 million hryvnia. The validity of the energy efficiency Programme extended until 2016. This year's cover: - 20% of the loan amount (but no more than 12 thousand UAH.) – the mechanism of replacement of gas boilers for the population; - 30% of the loan amount (but not more than 14 thousand UAH.) – for physical persons to implement energy efficiency measures; - 40% of the loan amount (but not more than 14 thousand UAH. per apartment) - for condominiums and housing cooperatives as legal entities for communal activities. If the borrower is a natural person-the recipient of subsidies for payment for housing and communal services, it is reimbursed 70% of the sum of "energy efficiency" loan. If the composition of the CMF are the recipients of subsidies, such condominiums shall be reimbursed in average size between 40% and 70% depending on the number subsident. The implementation of the Program in 2016, the state budget provides slightly more than 790,4 million, of which 700 million is General Fund, 90.4 million – special. Since the beginning of the program borrowers "warm" credits reimbursed from the state budget 427,3 million. In addition, 27 January 2016 at the session of the oblast Council approved the Program of incentives for implementation of energy efficient measures for the population of condominiums and housing cooperatives Chernihiv region for 2016-2017, which cover part (10%) rate on the loan. This is planned in 2016-2017 from the regional budget of 2 million USD and to involve program implementation funds from local budgets. According to the Ministry of regional developmentÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":