In the Lviv region, rescuers spent students an interesting lesson on the basics of security
6 April in the framework of the campaign "to Prevent. Save. To help" and pursuant to the instructions for the prevention of fires in natural ecosystems and farmland, rescuers of the Nikolaev district sector PG DSNs Ukraine in Lviv region met with the teachers and pupils Ostanski OOSH I-II of steps of the Nikolaev area. Rescuers told the students about the basic rules that must be known and adhered to in order to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations, which can be children. In addition, the Ministry of emergency situations told the children about the basic rules of behavior in case of various emergencies. The children listened to the domestic fires, which often arise due to short circuits, childish pranks with fire, violation of rules of exploitation of heating devices. In the Lviv region continue to record the message on a fire in ecosystems. Therefore, during the meeting, experts of gschs told the students about the prohibition of burning of deadwood. According to statistics, the most common cause of such fires is the human factor. These fires are extremely dangerous and harmful not only for humans but also for the environment. Uncontrolled fire may spread to the forest or a house. Thoughtless actions are dangerous and can cause fires in private dwellings, commercial buildings and suburban estates. This lesson helped to enrich the knowledge of students and to warn them against dangerous and ill-considered steps.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":