The services of the employment service of the region took advantage of immigrants 78

this Year the services of a regional employment service has benefited nearly 25 thousand people, among whom 18 thousand were unemployed status. With the assistance of local employment centers (for operational data) employed more than 7 thousand job seekers, including with compensation to employers of the costs of a single social contribution to the place of work provided to the unemployed 112. To entrepreneurial activity with payment of appropriate unemployment benefits failed to attract the 101st unemployed. Participation in work of a temporary nature took 899 persons. Public works worked 360 unemployed. This was announced by Deputy Director of the regional centre of employment Alexander Ostrovsky during a meeting in the regional state administration. "The situation on the labour market of the Region, - said the Deputy Director otsz - continues to be difficult, decreases the average number of full-time employees (from the beginning of 2016, it decreased by 6.4 thousand people and amounted to almost 149 thousand persons), there is a debt on salary payment, reduces the number of employers who inform the employment service about job vacancies, reducing the number of vacancies. Compared to the corresponding period in 2015, the number of vacancies decreased by 11.6% and amounted to 9172. Among the listed vacancies, only 4% were with wages above average for the area. For one vacancy on average Ternopil claim 7 unemployed". In addition, the financing of remuneration of persons having a status of unemployed, who were attracted to public works used 179 thousand UAH from the Fund of compulsory state social insurance of Ukraine against unemployment and local budgets. Holding back the involvement of the unemployed to such works lack of funds in local budgets. Alexander Ostrovsky also said that since the beginning of the year, training was held 1495 unemployed. Completed his 919 employees and 651-a man already employed. And to maintain competitiveness in the labour market of persons over 45 years of age, the employment centers were given this category of people, free vouchers, 11 of the region have already benefited from them and counted as educational institutions for training. Special emphasis was placed on the maintenance of internally displaced persons from the East of the country and Crimea, and demobilized members of the ATO. So, this year, the employment services of Ternopil region took advantage of the 78 persons. Employs 16, including 1 received lump-sum unemployment benefit to start their own business and 7 people employed at the expense of compensation costs to employers for labor. Proplacheny covered 10 immigrants, temporary works involved 3. Services regional employment service provided and 504 of the unemployed from among ATOVS, among which 17 had a disability. It was succeeded to employ 40 people, 20 of them signed a contract for military service, 18 decided to go into business. Took part in training 32 people in temporary jobs was attended by 12 demogra military. This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administration

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