In Zhytomyr region the public order and security in Olevsk district hard. with the fight

03 June, promptly to Olevsky district left employees GU Nacpac in Zhytomyr region and representatives of the special forces to ensure public order and public safety. After the morning 03.06.2016 in sec. Obysche, Olevsky district, clashed with the participation of unknown persons and local residents about the situation with the extraction of amber. This was announced by the Chairman of the district state administration Vasyl nevmerzhytskiy, who, along with representatives of the police, SBU, Prosecutor's office immediately arrived at the scene to resolve the conflict. The conflict occurred after the arrival of about 30 unknown people on 8 unmarked vehicles. As a result of collision three strangers in the hospital, 4 car no plates are broken. Law enforcement agencies arrested 9 unknown persons. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administration

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