In luck in the Pension Fund held a training for employees

July 5, on the basis of Lutsk unified management of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Volyn region held a training on the implementation of a Centralized subsystem of appointment and payment of pensions from 1 August 2016. Noted that this system will allow you to receive services in any territorial office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine regardless of place of registration of the pensioner, will provide automation of functional processes, eliminate the possibility of overpayments and duplicate payments, to protect personal data. During the study it was about the legal regulation of the system of centralized appointment and payment of pensions, organization of work at the service of citizens in the new conditions and the granting of the pension by using the centralized subsystem. Upon completion of the study carried out practical training for specialists responsible for the implementation of a centralized subsystem of appointment and payment of pensions, namely the departments of citizens services in Lutsk and Lutsk district and specialists of departments on the appointment, recalculation and payment of pensions in Lutsk and Lutsk district. This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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