In the Rivne region rescuers reinforce awareness – raising efforts in the residential sector

to prevent fires during the summer fire season, and alert the fire in the residential sector employees Ostrog district sector of the Main Directorate DSNS in Rivne region are constantly carrying out preventive working off of inhabited sector. August 10, experts of gschs implemented a comprehensive preventive working off of the residential sector of the village of Vilia. The main purpose of this event was to draw people's attention to the problems of ensuring fire safety of their homes and prevent loss of life in the fire. During a RAID with the owners of private households rescuers conducted interviews and gave out leaflets, which set out the basic rules of safe use of electricity and gazoprovidna, through which often there are fires. During the course particular attention to the specialists of the rescue Service was paid to the prevention of fires due to burning of garbage and Suhotra’I, because they bear the greatest fire danger, warm time. Despite the weather and location of land close to the forest, rescuers said on observance of fire safety rules in ecosystems. Ostrog district sector of GU DSNS of Ukraine in Rivne region

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