Transcarpathia: never too late to learn,so consider the leaders of veterans 'organizations

the other day Mukachevo met not only a great Sunny summer weather, the guests this time chairmen of councils of veterans' organizations of Transcarpathia, but also the cordial hosts of the district - Chairman of the Mukachevo district Council of the I. P. Michael, the Chairman of regional state administration S. V. Gidion and Chairman of the Mukachevo Council of veterans of Ukraine I. D. Kachura. They gathered in the meeting hall of the district state administration, where they were warmly greeted and got acquainted with the achievements in socio-economic development of the area and problems that are now faced by the workers of the field. At the seminar a report on the tasks of the regional, city and district councils of veterans, to improve the style of work and the increasing militancy of the grassroots organizations in light of the requirements of the VII Congress of the Council of the organization of veterans of Ukraine was made by the Chairman of the regional Council of veterans of the I. F. Gigue. He stressed that the priority of the councils of veterans ' organizations should be the recruitment and training of personnel of the chairmen of primary organizations, creating appropriate working conditions, material and moral support for them. An important direction in their work remains the interaction of the veteran organizations with the authorities and local governments, other public organizations and foundations. Communication with the media, in particular newspaper Veteran of Ukraine" and the like. Then, the participants discussed important issues facing the veterans ' organizations. One of them is the organization of the volunteer movement in light of the requirements of the VII Congress of veterans of Ukraine. This issue was reflected in the speech of the first Deputy Chairman of the Council of the organization of veterans of Ukraine. P. Gutnik. Executive Secretary of the Mukachevo district Council of veterans V. F. Kinch told about a style, new forms, work methods, drew attention to the need for permanent combination of education and Patriotic education of youth. The participants were briefed Chairman of the Commission on the socio-domestic and medical provision of the regional Council of veterans of Ukraine.M. RSCA and the acting chief doctor of the Mukachevo Center for primary health care district.M. Garuba of the medical institutions of the district veterans for their medical support and examination. The theme of the speeches of the chairmen of the councils of Beregovo city Council of the organization of veterans of L. D. Busic, Mizhhirya – J. Th. Kovalishin, Vinogradovsky – V. P. Kovacik and Deputy Chairman of Uzhgorod city Council of veterans V. M. Somova, Irshavsky – P. V. King, and Savelovskiy – M. V. Kana began the work of veterans ' organisations in modern conditions concerning Patriotic education of youth and other most actual problems of veteransa. Now in difficult conditions, when the ongoing anti-terrorist operation in the East of our state, issues of Patriotic education of youth is particularly relevant. The seminar participants appealed to all present to use their work experience Mukachevsky where do not forget older people, attract them to an active social life, studying their experience, taking care about the active longevity of people of venerable age and work closely on these issues with social services. At the end of the seminar the participants visited the village Goronda Mukachevo district, where he got acquainted with experience of the primary veteran organization of the village (the Chairman V. M. Petach), with its dallu and problems. Caring hosts treated the participants – veterans a delicious lunch. The workshop participants laid flowers to the Glory obelisk in the center of the village where father Michael served a moleben for the dead compatriots in the Second world war in the East of our country. The press center of the Transcarpathian regional Council of veterans of Ukraine. This was reported in the Transcarpathian regional state administration

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