In the Ternopil region, the road began active preparations for the winter period

recently held a joint field meeting of road Service in Ternopil region, Ternopil Oblavtodor and regional road organizations. One of the fundamental and relevant to current issues discussed at the meeting was the preparation of the road network Region for the winter period. Harvested: 23,8 thousand tons of sand and friction materials; - 2,87 thousand tons of technical salt; To create snow protection are all available in refurbished farms of snow retention boards in the amount of 2100 pieces. Scheduled to make a p 30000.m. means of passive snow protection with plenkovich and misovich shields on snegotayaniya sites. Of the 186 pieces of equipment and mechanisms prepared to work in autumn and winter: blowers 6 units bulldozers 3 units graders 22 units the gritters 23 units trucks 22 units other snow removal equipment (tractors T-150,K-701) 31 unit salereplica 2 units attachments 40îäèíèöü Additionally signed 17 agreements on attraction of equipment of other organizations. Head of road Service in Ternopil oblast Bohdan Yulik pointed out that the preparation for the winter period does not end and will continue until November 1. According to the materials of road Service in Ternopil region This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administration

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