In the Vinnytsia region retain a military contract will be a priority of the Armed Forces in 2017

the Law of Ukraine "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning improvement of an order of passing of military service", which entered into force on January 7, grants the right to the release of a significant number of contract servicemen, and in this context preservation in the service of an experienced personnel is a priority for all bodies of military management of Armed forces of Ukraine in 2017. This during a press briefing said the head of Department of staffing of officers — Deputy chief of staff General staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel mark andrusyak. He said the legal change "open-ended" contracts with the wording "until the end of the special period" would allow the military to plan your life in the near future. Colonel mark andrusyak reminded that changes to the existing legislation aimed at strengthening the social protection of Ukrainian servicemen. Management of public relations of the Armed forces of Ukraine This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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