In Lutsk will introduce an electronic fare collection system in municipal transport
In the conference hall of the Department of tspau discussed the technical possibility of implementation of automated payment system of trains and accounting for passengers in the municipal transport in the city of Lutsk. In the discussion took part the Deputy of the mayor Sergey Grigorenko, Director of the Lutsk enterprise of elektrotransport Igor Gritsuk, Director of “System communications” city Ternopil, Vitaly Vasilkov, the Deputy of city Council Taras Gentleman, the Director of the Department of tspau Larissa Karpyak, heads of Executive bodies of Lutsk city Council and representatives of the “Privat Bank”. As noted by the Deputy of the mayor Sergey Grigorenko, in Lutsk — the largest number of beneficiaries, the carriage of which completely rests on the shoulders of the city budget. “This is a serious item of expenditure for the budget of luck, so we plan to limit the number of preferential transport and make a clear accounting of passengers-beneficiaries by establishing trolleybuses in Lutsk special account devices — validators. Based on the obtained data, the beneficiaries of our city will receive a “Card Lucania”, which will grant a reduced fare. The number of trips that will pay for the city budget will be clearly defined. As an example, we want to use the experience of the city Ternopil”, - he stressed. The Director of the Lutsk enterprise of elektrotransport Igor Gritsuk focused on the benefits that will have the implementation of “Card Lucania”. In particular, it is a clear accounting of passengers -exempts, a detailed study of passenger traffic, the provision of higher quality services in the field of transport, because let is a socially oriented enterprise. The participants of the meeting discussed the introduction of trolleybuses in Lutsk system of cashless payment with a mobile app via smartphone, which nestane earned in the city of Lviv. However, until this project requires a detailed legal study. In addition, the participants of the meeting discussed the possibility of introducing “Card Lucania” not only for privileged people but for all residents. Everyone who uses Internet banking “Privat24”, will be able to participate in a survey regarding the quality of administrative services in Cnap, trimoulet SMS notification via mobile app to register in the electronic queue ZAPU. This was reported in Lutsk city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":